Petguru Grooming Show 2022
Event presentation:
COUNTRY: Romania
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CITY: Cluj-Napoca
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ADDRESS: Hotel Pami Cluj
• Kitty Dekeersgieter: master groomer, Groomania organizer, EGA judge. Kitty has won many gold medals, silver and bronze, as well as prizes in "Best in Show" in "Best All Round" in Europe and America. The highlight of his career was when Kitty groomer in 1996-1997 won the prestigious title of "World Champion Poodle Groomer" and the much desired "Cardinal Crystal Achievement Award" from the "Internationaal Groomer of the Year" at the 'Intergroom in New York, USA. She works as the international jury for grooming competitions, is a consultant of the EGA (European Grooming Association) and gives lectures and demonstrations. She has given seminars and worldwide with the aim to train groomers, encourage and improve the industry's grooming.
• Rony de Munter: EGA judge, Rony is owner of the grooming salon 'Folini', which is specialized in terriers. He is the winner of several titles and medals at grooming contests at home and abroad and is regularly asked as a jury for grooming contests. Besides all this, Rony is also the owner of the famous Lakeland and Wire Fox Terriër affix "Of Foliny Home". He not only gives private lessons, but he also teaches in different schools and is a successful handler of most of the Terrier breeds. Through his job he met his partner Dieni Uiterwijk, ex-winner of the well-known title Best In Show on Crufts with a Welsh Terrier. Rony Demunter is a proven specialist when it comes to Terriers, who is now focusing on teaching young and experienced groomers. Creator of “Santinel” brand.
• Kitty Fok – Kitty has been a professional dog groomer for 16 years, and showing Poodles for 10 years.
• Kitty Ponnet: Groomania co-organizer, EGA judge. Kitty started with a goal: "Aiming for perfection". Her biggest wisdom is that no one ever knows enough about their profession. In all her passion she runs the grooming salon 'Kitana' with her staff and she's been participating in competition for many years with a lot of top results. She's won several bronze, silver and gold medals in Europe and in the US and she also has 'best in show' on her résumé. Next to running a grooming salon and participating in a lot of competitions, she also teaches and coaches starting and renovated groomers and gives inspiring seminars and demonstrations who can lead groomers to a top performance. Kitty is also the Coach for Groomteam Belgium. Kitty started together with Kitty Dekeersgieter a successful groomer academy: K2 Groomer academy. She gives also coaching & company consulting for grooming shops & groomers who want to be more successful in their business
• Saturday 18 June 2022 - 4 seminars:
Kitty Dekeersgieter & Kitty Ponnet:
- Using the correct scissors on different types of hair
- Saloon management: customer relationship, tricks and tips to make more money, products to go faster and easier
- Grooming demo on Bichon Frise and American Cocker
Kitty Fok
- Continental clip Poodle
Rony de Munter
- Stripping knives and other tools that would make handstripping easier
- Finishing demo
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:30 Stripping knives with scissors
10:30 - 10:45 Coffe break
10:45- 12:15 Business class
12:15 - 13:15 Lunch break
13:15 - 15:00 Finishing on Fox Terrier, Cairn Terrier and demo on Bichon Frise
15:00 - 17:00 Cocker and Poodle
• Sunday 19 June 2022
08:00 - 09:00 Registration for seminars
9:00-12:30- Poodle seminar with Kitty Fok
• Sunday 19 June 2022 - 13:30-17:00 – Poodle workshop with Kitty Fok (max. 8 persons )
• Sunday 19 June 2022 - Grooming competition
8:00-8:30 Register and take your dog to the photostudio to take a before picture. Find your name and table number.
8:30-9:00 Prejudging for pure breeds, model dog , handstripping and beginners
9:00-11:30 Judging for Pure breeds, model dog, handstripping and beginners
11:50-12:15 Nominations
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:00 Prejudging for Mixed breeds / Miscellaneous / Salon, Poodles, Spaniels and Setters, Intermediate class
14:00-16:30 Judging for Mixed breeds / Miscellaneous / Salon, Poodles, Spaniels and Setters, Intermediate class
17:00- Nominations, winners announcement, presentation of prizes
Competition Rules
1. Handstripping
2. Spaniels and Setters
3. Poodles
4. Other pure breeds scissoring
5. Mixed breeds / Miscellaneous / Salon
6. Model dog
7. Beginners
8. Intermediate
1. Beginner *– not more than 1 year experience. Dog shows also counts as experience*. The contestant can compete as “beginner” in several contests for 12 months even if winner. The second year he/she must enter “Open” class even if not winner. In this category all breeds and techniques are confused
2. Intermediate* - all contestants with more than 1 year experience and/or contestants that never won a gold medal in “Open” class. The contestant can compete as “Intermediate” in several contests for 12 months even if winner. The second year he/she must enter “Open” class even if not winner. In this category all breeds and techniques are confused
* These Categories are not eligible for best in show. In Competitions where “Open” and “Champion” class are scheduled, contestants will enter the one they belong considering their previous results
3. Open – Can be admitted in “Open” class all contestants that never won their categories and will stay 12 months even if they attain a victory. Contestants will enter “Champion” class, where existing, the year after only in the categories they won and only if the victory was attained in a class of, at least, 5 contestants; otherwise another gold medal must be won in a bigger class
4. Champion – Can be admitted in “Champion” class contestants that already won in the same category at a competition.
Handstripping without clipper use
• Small and Medium sizes 2 :30 hours
• Big sizes 3 hours
Handstripping with clipper use
• Small 2 hours
• Medium sizes 2 :15 hours
• Big sizes 2 :30 hours
Spaniels and Setters
• All Setters, American Cockers, English Cockers, Springers,... 2 : 30 hours
• up to 35 cm 1.45 hours
• 35 cm up to 45 cm 2:00 hours
• Over 45 cm 2:30 hours
* 15 minutes extra time is allowed to spray up top knot
Pure Breeds
• Bichon, Bedlington 2:00 hours
• Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Black Russian Terrier, Bouvier 2:30 hours
• All breeds 2.30 hours
• All breeds 2:30 hours
• Small and medium 1:30 hours
• Big 2:00 hours
10 minutes comfort beak must be given 1 hour after the start competition
Grooming regulations
- The dogs will need to be washed (except for the handstrip dogs)
- The ears and nails need to be groomed and the dog’s underbelly, genitals and hind quarters may be previously groomed for reasons of hygiene, according to the breed standard.
- Any evident line or pattern should not be visible. Dog’s coat must be long enough to allow the groomer to make a difference in its appearance.
- Contestants competing with dogs showing evident line and/or with coat not long enough to allow to make a difference in its appearance should be aware that will not have any chance to compete for victory.
- All grooming techniques are allowed, as long as the chosen technique suites the type of the dog’s coat.
- If there is any problem during the competition raise your hand and the president of the jury will come and help you.
Category Handstripping / Spaniels & Setters
Stripping knives are allowed
Dog needs to be groomed according to the breed standard
(Colored ) Chalk powder/block/spray and cream is allowed.
It is not allowed to use clippers except:
Scottish Terrier – chest, head and ears.
West Highland Terrier - chest and ears.
Cockers and Setters - chest and ears.
Schnauzer - chest, head, inside of back legs and ears
Category Poodles / Pure Breeds
The dog needs to be washed and fluff dried.
Clipper guide combs are not allowed.
Poodle muzzle and feet should be shaven prior to the start of the competition.
Poodles must be groomed in a style recognized in the breed standard.
Poodles with top knots may ask for help from an outsider to hold the dog.
Coloring is not allowed
- Contestants will bring their own grooming tables.
- On the entry form contestants must add the breed of the dog to be groomed and, for Poodle class, also what cut will be done. Signature in acceptance of all rules is required.
- Contestants must be in the ring 30 minutes prior the start of the competition with their own dog and tools.
- Contestants are not allowed to talk to other contestants and/or the audience during the contest.
- Contestants are not allowed to use mobile phone and/or any electronic device during the competition.
- Chalk use is allowed however no trace of it should appear on Judges’ hands after the judgment as a disqualification can occur.
- Any indecorous or aggressive language used towards the judges as well as a dog handled in rough or unsafe manner may lead to disqualification.
- Possible disqualification will be executed by the President of the Jury
- When competition ends, Contestants should remove all hair, equipment and products from the grooming table as well as moving all stuffs on the floor under the table, to allow the judges an easy approach to the tables for the judgment
- A comb should be placed on the table for the judge to use during judging.
- Contestants may comb their dogs before and after the judging panel has evaluated their dogs.
- Contestant should stack his/her dog to present to judge. Dogs not in judgment must not be kept stuck
- Pictures of the dogs will be taken before and after the competition
- The judges will examine each dog during prejudging and final judging and will take in consideration the following issues:
- Suitability of chosen style to the dog.
- The difficulty degree of the clip.
- Ability to camouflage defects and enhance beauty.
- Up to date with today’s modern grooming styles.
- Respect for todays breed standard. *
- The quality of scissoring, shaving and or stripping after passing a comb.
- Balance, symmetry, and smoothness.
- Presentation of the dog to the judge.
- *Allowance to be made for International differences in styling for example USA or Scandinavian styles.
• Poodles
The quality of the clipper work whether the feet, face and tail are clipped with the appropriate blade. All clipper work should be smooth with no tufts of hair around the lips , eyes, pads of the feet.
• Hand Stripping
There should be no visible pink of bald patches. The hair must be removed with the lay of the coat and without causing pain. Removing the undercoat by a carding tool is allowed only after the handstripping has taken place. Rolling coats are acceptable; however the work done in the ring must be sufficient to allow the groomer to make a distinct change in the dog’s appearance.
If clippers are used to trim the soft coat on the head or ears, the front of the neck, or on the insides of the back legs, these areas must be trimmed neatly and smoothly with the appropriate blade. The clipper work should blend smoothly with the furnishing or feathering rather than stick out. Excessive scissors use will be penalized.
• Pure Breeds and Spaniels & Setters
If thinning shears are used: the areas that are thinned should blend smoothly and create a natural appearance.
The judges’ decision will be final and binding.
- In the four main categories (Handstrip, Spaniels and Setters, Poodles, and Other pure breeds) the judging system is based on points.
- Each judge awards 10 points for the first place, 8 points for the second, 6 points for the third in each class.
- Each judge will have his/her own place list. Adding up the points of all judges, the President of the Jury will obtain the final place list. Just in case of tie the President of the Jury will discuss with the judges to establish the place list.
- Handling
- Judges may give a warning to any competitor who is seen handling a dog in a rough or unsafe manner. A second warning will constitute disqualification.
- If the competitor makes clipper burns, nicks or cuts he can’t be placed as a winner.
As a competitor, I hereby certify that I have read and understood the competition rules and regulations and agree to abide them. Contestants entering the competition with a dog showing less than 8 weeks of coat growth or visible lines from a previous grooming should be aware that they will be penalized and have little chance of being selected. I hereby acknowledge that the organizer of the competition has the sole right of use of any images, (photos or videos) data (names of the competitors) for the purposes of promoting future events.
Any registrations not paid by the due date will be cancelled. After this date, prices will increase by 20%, which is the “on the door” price. (In case of cancellation, refund or no-shows a processing fee of € 30,00 will be charged). Registration is binding.
Please only make the payment after having received the order form by email. After receipt of your inscription and payment, we will send you an official invoice, which is also valid as entry ticket. Please bring this invoice to the event.
You can find us on the official EGA page:
Prezentarea evenimentului:
LOCATIE: Cluj-Napoca
- Kitty Dekeersgieter: master groomer, organizator Groomania, arbitru EGA
- Rony de Munter: arbitru EGA, multiplu medaliat al concursurilor de grooming, posesorul faimoasei canise de Lakeland si Fox Terier cu par Sarmos "Of Foliny Home", creatorul brandului "The Santinel"
- Kitty Fok - 16 ani de grooming
- Kitty Ponnet: co-organizator Groomania, arbitru EGA
FORMULAR INSCRIERE (varianta online)
FORMULAR INSCRIERE ( varianta offline, pdf )
- Sambata 18 Iunie 2022 - 4 seminarii:
- Kitty Dekeersgieter & Kitty Ponnet:
- Cum alegi foarfecele potrivite in functie de tipul de par al cainelui
- Saloon management: relatia cu clientul, tips & tricks pentru a face mai multi bani
- Demonstratie toaletaj pe Bichon Frise si American Cocker
2.Kitty Fok
- Continental clip Poodle
3.Rony de Munter
- Folosirea corecta a cutitelor de stripping si a altor ustensile menite sa ajute si sa usureze strippingul
- Finishing demo pe terrier
08:00 - 09:00 Ridicarea ecusoanelor
09:00 - 10:30 Ustensile de stripping si foarfece
10:30 - 10:45 Pauza de cafea
10:45- 12:15 Business class
12:15 - 13:15 Pauza de pranz
13:15 - 15:00 Finishing pe Fox Terrier, Cairn Terrier si demonstratie pe Bichon Frise
15:00 - 17:00 Cocker si Poodle
- Duminica 19 Iunie 2022
9:00 - 12:30 - Seminar Poodle Kitty Fok
12:30-13:30 - Pauza de masa
13:30-17:00 - Workshop Poodle Kitty Fok
- Duminica 19 Iunie 2022 - Concurs
*Programul pentru seminariile din 18 Iunie va fi anuntat ulterior
*Seminarul si workshopul din 19 Iunie se vor desfasura in acelasi timp cu concursul ( categoria Poodle de la concurs se va tine dupa-masa, concomitent cu workshopul, deci va puteti inscrie doar la seminar cei care doriti sa participati la concurs cu Poodle )
*Numarul maxim de participanti la workshop este de 8 persoane
Concurs de toaletaj canin 19 Iunie:
8:00-8:30 Inscrierea concurentilor si realizarea pozelor preconcurs
8:30-9:00 Prejurizare la categoriile model dog, tuns din foarfeca alte rase, stripat, incepatori
9:00-11:30 Concurs categoriile model dog, tuns din foarfeca alte rase, stripat, incepatori
11:50-12:15 Nominalizari
12:30-13:30 Pauza de masa
13:30-14:00 Prejurizare la categoriile Spanieli & Setteri, mixt/salon/creativ, poodle, intermediari
14:00-16:30 Concurs categoriile Spanieli & Setteri, mixt/salon/creativ, poodle, intermediari
17:00- Nominalizari, premiere si acordarea diplomelor
FORMULAR INSCRIERE (varianta online)
FORMULAR INSCRIERE ( varianta offline, pdf )
1. Inregistrare si preluarea documentatiei de la biroul de inregistrari.
2. Cainele va fi dus la studioul foto pentru fotografia pre-concurs.
3. Concurentul va instala propria masa de toaletaj in spatiul asigurat de organizator.
4.Dupa instalarea meselor va incepe prejurizarea.
5. Eventualele explicatii vor fi solicitate arbitrilor in faza de prejurizare, cand acesta se afla la masa solicitantului.
6. La sfarsitul timpului alocat toaletajului, va incepe jurizarea.
7. Fiecare concurent va duce cainele la studioul foto, pentru fotografia post toaletaj, de indata ce a fost jurizat si arbitrul se deplaseaza la alta masa.
8. Dupa deliberarile arbitrilor, vor fi anuntati castigatorii.
9. Doritorii se pot consulta cu arbitrii in probleme legate de propriul arbitraj.
2.Spanieli si Seteri
4.Tuns din foarfeca la alte rase pure
5.Rase mixte/Salon/Creativ
1. Incepatori - mai putin de 1 an experienta.
2. Intermediari -peste 1 an experienta dar nu mai mult de 2 ani sau concurenti care deja au castigat la clasa incepatori.
3. Clasa deschisa - pentru groomeri cu experienta care nu au castigat niciodata clasa la categoria la care participa.
4.Clasa campioni - pentru groomeri care deja au castigat cel putin o data clasa deschisa la categoria la care participa.
5. NOU - TOALETAJ PE MANECHIN- doar pentru incepatori
6.Toaletaj pe manechin - pentru copii- GRATUIT
-Concurentii se vor prezenta cu propriii caini.
- Concurentii vor folosi propriile ustensile pentru grooming.
- Organizatorul NU asigura mesele de toaletaj.
- Masa de toaletaj folosita in timpul concursului va fi adusa de catre concurent.
– Concurentii se vor prezenta in ring cu cel putin 30 de minute inainte de inceperea concursului, pentru prejurizare.
- Concurentilor le este interzis sa discute intre ei sau cu membrii publicului pe toata durata concursului.
- Este interzisa folosirea telefonului mobil sau a altor dispozitive electronice pe durata concursului.
- Concurentul va asigura accesul arbitrului la masa de toaletaj prin plasarea tuturor accesoriilor sub aceasta.
- Orice plangere va fi adresata in scris, inainte de incheierea concursului.
- Comportamentul si limbajul considerat agresiv si/sau nepoliticos fata de arbitrii, organizatori, alti concurenti sau persoane din public, va fi sanctionat cu descalificare din concurs si/sau obligativitatea parasirii incintei.
-Agresarea sau bruscarea cainilor va duce la descalificarea concurentului
- Se vor realiza poze ale cainilor din concurs, inainte si dupa toaletaj.
- Juriul este alcatuit din doi arbitri
- Cel Mai Bun Groomer va fi ales de catre arbitrii din categoriile existente in concurs.
1. Stripat fara masina:
-rase mici si mijlocii 2 ore si 30 minute
-rase mari 3 ore
-rase mici 2 ore
-rase talie medie 2 ore si 15 minute
-rase talie mare 2 ore si 30 minute
-Toti Setterii, American Cockers, English Cockers, Springers,... 2 ore si 30 minute
-Poodeli pana la 35 cm: 1 ora si 45 minute
-Poodeli intre 35 cm si 45 cm: 2 ore
-Poodeli peste 45 cm: 2 ore si 30 minute
Cainii cu "top knot" beneficiaza de 15 minute extra , concurentul poate solicita ajutor pentru contentia cainelui.
-Bichon, Bedlington etc: 2 ore
-Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier,Black Russian Terrier, Bouvier: 2 ore si 30 minute
-Rase mici: 2 ore
-Rase mari: 2 ore si 30 minute
-Cainii se vor prezenta spalati.
-Urechile si unghiile pot fi anterior toaletate.
-Blana trebuie sa aiba cel putin 5 cm pentru poodeli sau 8 saptamani de crestere pentru celelalte rase.
-Nu se accepta urme vizibile ale unor toaletaje anterioare. Blana trebuie sa fie suficient de lunga astfel incat sa se observe diferenta intre 'inainte' si 'dupa' toaletaj.
-Se accepta toate tehnicile de toaletaj atat timp cat sunt potrivite tipului de par pe care sunt folosite.
-se accepta utilizarea cutitului de stripat
-cainii vor fi toaletati conform standardului rasei
- pentru terrieri se accepta utilizarea cretei colorate (pudra sau solida) si a spray-ului.
Scottish Terrier – piept,cap si urechi.
West Highland Terrier - piept si urechi.
Cockers and Setters - piept si urechi.
Schnauzer - piept, cap, interiorul membrelor posterioare, urechi
-cainele trebuie prezentat spalat, uscat si descalcit.
-pentru poodeli, botul si degetele vor fi tunse inainte de prezentarea in concurs
-poodelii trebuie toaletati intr-unul din standardele recunoscute ale rasei
-nu se accepta vopsitul blanii
Cainii cu "top knot" beneficiaza de 15 minute extra , concurentul poate solicita ajutor pentru contentia cainelui.
-Concurentul va elibera masa de par, echipament si produse.
-Va asigura un pieptan pentru a putea fi folosit de arbitru la arbitrarea cainelui.
-Concurentul va prezenta cainele pentru a putea fi arbitrat.
-Sfarsitul arbitrajului va fi anuntat.
Arbitrii vor examina fiecare caine inaine de inceperea concursului si la jurizarea finala , tinand cont de urmatoarele:
-Armonia dintre rasa cainelui si stilul de grooming realizat.
-Gradul de dificultate.
-Abilitatea de a a masca diferite defecte ale blanii, si de a imbunatatii imaginea generala a cainelui .
-Familiarizarea concurentului cu cele mai moderne stiluri de toaletaj.
-Respectarea standardului rasei.
-Calitatea tunsului din foarfeca sau masina, si/sau stripatului la trecerea unui piaptan prin blana cainelui.
-Balans, simetrie si finete.
-Prezentarea cainelui.
-La poodeli se apreciaza calitatea tunsului, se verifica utilizarea lamei corespunzatoare pentru toaletajul picioarelor, fetei sau cozii.
-La categoria stripat nu se accepta prezenta zonelor lipsite de par. Se va penaliza utilizarea in exces a foarfecelor.
-se acorda 10 puncte castigatorului, 8 puncte locului doi si 6 puncte pentru locul trei.
-fiecare arbitru va avea propriul clasament.
-arbitrul nu ofera concurentilor detalii legate punctajul acordat.
- in caz de egalitate castigatorul va fi ales dupa o discutie intre arbitrii si organizatori.
-arbitrii au dreptul de a avertiza concurentii care trateaza brutal sau necorespunzator cainii. Al doilea avertisment este echivalent cu descalificarea.
-limbajul injurios sau agresiv indreptat catre arbitrii, organizatori sau persoane angajate in organizarea concursului va duce automat la descalificare.
-prezenta arsurilor cauzate de lama de tuns, a taieturilor sau vanatailor vor impiedica concurentul sa fie declarat castigator.
Organizatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a opera modificari in regulament sau legate de organizare/jurizare fara o instiintare prealabila.
FORMULAR INSCRIERE (varianta online)
FORMULAR INSCRIERE ( varianta offline, pdf )